Sunday, 22 July 2012

I'm Human too

Let us not forget that we are humans first, kinksters second.

When I started this blog, I just broke up with my then boyfriend. Being competitive and creative, I began this blog as a diary and wonder how far this would take me.

A year on, I have been getting 2-3 requests for sessions every week, and I still have 20 draft blog posts backdate as far as last year.

It's of cause not possible for me to meet everyone, hence the need to be selective of who I want to meet. It is also impossible that I fulfill everyone's fantasy and fetish. At times, some subs may find me disappointing and not to their expectations. But it's also those times that I was weary and suffering from fatigue.

Everyone have their fetish and fantasy and I have mine too. If we match, we meet. I am not obligated to meet all. For me, having a connection is important, that's why I get turned off when a sub chose to just lie and be played with only. Kissing and cuddling are highly appreciated.

I'll be beginning another new challenge starting next week. A new semester for my part-time degree will commerce next Thursday.

I'm committed to try to blog once a week (currently it's twice weekly updates, if you have not known). But no promises on this.

A big Thank You to all my Erectionary fans for your support. Your comments on this blog, the Recon messages and tweets from Twitter have been a source of encouragement and inspiration for me. Although I may not reply to every message, I just want you to know I read all of them.

Finally, if you have an interesting idea to collaborate with me on a sexy or commercial project, please drop me a note. I'm always open for sponsorship, photography and video assignments.

Stay kinky,


Anonymous said...

Hi Darksunny, just wish to let u knows that I loved yo read yr blog. First time reading yr blog I had to DIY thrice ! Thanks

Anonymous said...

Hi Man, Good luck with the degree, hope you have time for some adventures though...
ChokingHazard fron recon

Boy Lunok said...

Good luck on your semester, DarkSunny!

M said...

Anon - Hot!!! Always love to know that ppl are jerking off to Erectionary :)

ChokingHazard - These days I don't have the mood to play. But rest assure, all work and no play is not me!

Boy L - Thanks! You should look forward to what's coming after my studies.